
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

In Actu

What does Mary do after her fiat? After receiving her God and Savior in her womb we see her immediately go off to serve. She departs for the house of Zechariah to help Elizabeth in her last few months of pregnancy.

Mary does this at a time in her own pregnancy (the first trimester) in which -- as every mother knows -- she herself would have been very tired. She might have sought assistance for herself during that time. But she chooses instead to give.

Having received Christ, she carries Him to her family, and remains there with them, serving them. This is what it means to be Christian -- to receive Christ, and to live Christ. That is, to receive Him, and make Him present to others by giving them His Love. And how is Love made tangible except by service?

We have the great privilege to do exactly as Mary did. At every mass, we receive Christ, after which we hear the commission "...go in peace, to love and serve the Lord."

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